Max Bi
The hot sheep
Mixed media on Canvas. I can get lost in listing the many masters who taught me, guided and accompanied me in a sort of maieutics, extrapolating the feeling of my soul, which has found its favorite form of expression in painting and sculpture. And just as our soul is always [...]
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Tipo type

Opera Digitale


Arte Digitale

Informazioni Generali:

Data Realizzazione: Sconosciuta

Artista: Max Bi

Token id: 11

Indirizzo contratto: 0x80c9036d308cbfb3791de1995d27a0ffbf470047

Hash transazione: 0x5b3650e4722396fcc1d546bc4aeaef640688db105ec9fd52fdd7283ea31c1272

Ora minting: 2 anni fa


dettaglio nft
dettaglio nft

Informazioni Generali:

Data Realizzazione: Sconosciuta

Artista: Max Bi

Token id: 11

Indirizzo contratto: 0x80c9036d308cbfb3791de1995d27a0ffbf470047

Hash transazione: 0x5b3650e4722396fcc1d546bc4aeaef640688db105ec9fd52fdd7283ea31c1272

Ora minting: 2 anni fa


Mixed media on Canvas. I can get lost in listing the many masters who taught me, guided and accompanied me in a sort of maieutics, extrapolating the feeling of my soul, which has found its favorite form of expression in painting and sculpture. And just as our soul is always in search, sometimes spasmodic, sometimes shy, sometimes simply curious about its own self, so in my artistic journey, which is always inexorably at the beginning of something new, I walk along a path, which leads me to discover new forms of art, with which I embody my feeling of life. A continuous evolution, a continuous search, an endless discovery, through colors that embody emotions, matter that shapes the forms of the soul, signs that synthesize the essence of the self.
